This is what I get to do for a living. :) There are a lot of beautiful people in this world, and a very narrow percentage have the God given ability to strike an image that lends itself to being painted. Please keep in mind, I am only as good as the people I work with. This is another reason why I prefer to take my own photographs. This gives us a chance to "hang out", while I try to capture that moment in time where the viewer can meet the real person inside.  My journey in this business over the past thirty+ years has allowed me to collaborate with many fine people, like the folks at Tonka Toys, Coke USA, Gibson Guitar, International Business Systems, Applied Holographics Inc., Mil-Comm, United States Navy, US Missile Command, Holographic Images, Makatary Technologies, Oak Ridge National Laboratories *, and the Colt Gun Company --just to name a few ! If you care to see or hear about the specifics of any of these projects, I am a tome of worthless information and details. One of my associates at a publishing company is always quick to remind me: "You are only as good as your last job. It is not important, what you have done for everyone else --I want to know what you can do for me !" Feel free to call. I am always working, so there is never a "bad time". -Mark Art Studio 54 - A True Artists Network
* Specifically; The Emergency Management Laboratory (ORNL)
 And Remember . . .
 The Secret To A Happy Life: Find Something You Like To Do And Keep Yourself Busy !
