A Friendly Note: My mail has been getting slammed with a lot of photography. As a blanket statement to help curb some of the enthusiastic photographers; I am not saying NO to you, the person. I am only saying NO to the images that I am seeing.Keep one thing in mind. . . If your image could be seen in an art gallery --that is what I am looking for here ! I like to add one or two new artists everyday. The laws of physics prevent me from turning Art Studio 54 into a "dumping ground" for snap shots of my summer vacation, cold plates of food, and wedding photos. That being said, if you are a photoartist, and would like a place for your fine art photography to be seen, I would be more than happy to display your artistic endeavors. -Mark Art Studio 54 - A True Artists Network
p.s. For qualified photographers that need an ad free / pop up free area to just post photographs for free. |
For Assistance: (213) 254-5892